Adobe FrameMaker Basic/Intermediate (2 days)
Who Should Attend: This 2 day course is designed for complete beginners and new users to the software who wish to fully understand the text and page layout features of this powerful publishing package.
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Objectives: At the end of this course the user will be able to confidently begin creating and modifying FrameMaker documents.
Course Content Getting Started: Overview of FrameMaker, navigation techniques, keyboard shortcuts, setting preferences, output to PDF, using find and change, running the spelling checker.
Choosing a template: Creating a New Document based on an existing Template. Understanding the difference between character and paragraph formats. Applying Paragraph and Character formats.
Creating and Modifying Formats: Discover the role of the Character and Paragraph designer. Creating, Modifying and Deleting formats to include complex numbering systems. Appreciate the strength of FrameMaker by importing and updating formats across files.
Graphics: Creating simple line art with FrameMaker’s graphic drawing tools. Understanding page and text anchored graphics. Setting text run-around properties. Manipulating anchored frames and understanding import by reference and by copy.
Tables: Inserting and manipulating Tables. Understanding the role of custom ruling and shading. Using the Table Designer to produce stylised table formats.
Footnotes: Inserting footnotes. Modifying Document and Table Footnote design.
Revising Documentation: Using Change Bars to indicate modifications made to a document. Setting automatic change bars. Comparing two versions of a document.
Page Layout: Understanding the important role the Master Pages play in a FrameMaker document. Creating, Modifying and Applying Master Pages to control a document’s layout.
Reference Pages: Discover one of the roles the reference pages play by creating referenced art and linking to a Paragraph Format.
Revision: Creating a custom template. Consolidate all the knowledge gained over the 2 days and build a template from scratch.
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