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Adobe Photoshop Basic / Intermediate
Word Basic
Word Intermediate
Word Advanced
Excel Basic
Excel Intermediate
Excel Advanced
PowerPoint Basic
PowerPoint Advanced
STRUCTURED FRAMEMAKER 7.x, 8 & 9 (FrameMaker 6+SGML)
Authoring Structured Documents
Formatting for Structured Documents
Creating EDDS
Importing / Eexporting Structured Data
Working with XML
Who should attend: This 2 day course is aimed at complete beginners to this powerful software.

Pre-requisities: No previous experience necessary.

Course Objectives: At the end of this two day course you will feel confident with getting around Photoshop, creating and editing multi-layer files.

Course Content: The Photoshop Environment: What does Photoshop do? Introducing pixels and selections. The navigator window: getting around in an image, zoom shortcuts. Using the history palette. Multiple undo and snapshots.

Image Basics: Resolution and file size. Different image formats and their uses. Colour types.

Selection Basics: The different selection tools. The magic wand and tolerance settings. Inverting selections. Feathering selections. Anti-aliasing. Expanding and contracting selections, transforming selections, adding to and subtracting from selections.

Adjusting Images: Working with Levels and Curves. Hue and saturation. The info palette.

Layers: Creating new layers and duplicate layers. Importing layers from other images. Giving layers transparency. Linking and merging layers

Channels: Adjusting individual channels. Saving and loading selections.

Saving Files: Adjusting image size. Changing colour type. Flattening layers. Cropping images.

The Painting Tools: Brush selection and adjustment. Colour selection. Creating new brushes. Using patterns. The other painting tools. The healing and clone stamp tools

Masks: Quick masks. Layer masks. The graduated fill tool. Editing gradient properties

The Pen Tool: Creating and editing paths. Generating clipping paths.

More About Layers: Adding layer effects. Creating and using layer sets. Clipping groups and their uses. Changing the hierarchy of layers.

Working with Type: Editing type. Colouring type. Distorting type Rasterizing type layers.

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